Tuesday 9 February 2010

How it all began...

So how has it come to be that we're six of us with no cycling experience are planning on biking about 1700 miles this summer to Morocco?

It all began one exceptionally long afternoon in last July when I was sat at my desk on my summer placement feeling particularly bored, unwanted and generally out of my depth when the realisation came that before long the cosy life of a geography degree would be left behind to be replaced by a good 40 years of some generic office job or another, which would undoubtedly be filled with many afternoons such as these ... At this point I resolved to make the most of my summer after graduation and search out some adventure or another...

The exact point at which the plan to cycle from Cambridge to Morocco (Casablanca came later) is somewhat disputed, and my girlfriend (henceforth The Hog) claims all of the credit... but over the next week or so the plan emerged in one way or another to cycle to Africa the following summer to raise some money for charity... now all I needed to do was convince a friend to come with me.


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